Our 13 plus 1 wonderful grandchildren.
Noah P.

These are our 13 grandchildren. Aren't they beautiful! I tried posting them by families but I'm still learning how to post pictures in order. We are so proud of all of them and their parents. Their parents are doing a great job raising them. We just wish we could see them more often. They live from Victoria, Canada to Houston, Texas and lots of places in between. None of them live near us. We love you grand kids! Hugs and Kisses to everyone.

those are some cute kids if you ask me. too bad Rachael doesn't have her hair done :) BTW that is Josie telling you what a lion says.
Cute grandkids! I didn't know you had so many...here is my email for Scott and Leslie christina.cosby@gmail.com our blog is dcwillardson.blogspot.com
Blogging is sure a fun way to share pictures and keep in touch with friends and family. Aren't grandkids fun!!
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