Don took this picture of our flag early in the morning of the 4th. What a beautiful sight!
Don was the featured speaker at a morning service. It was called the "Mayor's Prayer Breakfast."(The sun was at his back.) He did a great job. He talked about the Gettysburg Address and heroes. He related those heroes of the past with present day heroes who fight in our own "Gettysburgs" He talked about two soldiers who earned the Silver Star and the Bronze Star for bravery in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don then talked about other heroes who don't get the Bronze or Silver Stars for giving their all in daily living. He mentioned that what makes America great is those people who are not called on to give their "last full measure" but live their lives with full commitment and effort. Their our our heroes. We need more heroes of that type. We need to "do our duty to God and our country and to help other people at all times."
After the breakfast and speeches, we hurried over to the South Chapel to get our regular place to watch the parade. We had fun intoducing Krystal to the Blanding celebration.
In the afternoon, Edward performed in a pageant. He and some other men from the community acted out a scene from "1776." Edward was Thomas Jefferson. He did great singing about his lovely wife. (I forgot my camera but I'll get some from Edward and post later.)
Before dinner, we played a game that Dad made the day before. It is called Kubb and is a Scandanavian game. We had a lot of fun with it and hope to play it at other family events.
It was great to have Edward and Krystal here with us for the weekend. It was also great to have Tori and her family here. We all enjoyed the multitude of events. Chris and the girls went to the part to watch the fireworks with all of the rest of the town plus their families and friends. We sat on our deck and had a great view. The fireworks lasted amost a half hour and were terrific.
I love that picture of the flag, that is gorgeous! I wish I could have been there to hear Dad speak, it sounds like it was a really good talk. :) I'm excited to play Kubb with everyone, it looks like a lot of fun! Oh, and I also love that picture of Edward and Krystal, they are so cute. :) (And Edward looks really nice all clean shaven like that! ;) Wish we could have been there!
Funny, Amelia said almost word for word what I was going to say. It looks like a really lovely day. Can't wait to be there next year.
Makes me homesick. How do we play Kubb? We were wishing we could be in Blanding when we found out that this big city we live in doesn't have a parade! How shocking is that?
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